November 2023
International Conference “Hispanismo: un pasado con futuro”
Universidad de Burgos
September 2023
International Conference “Homenaje a Aurelio González”
National University of Mexico
July 2023
XXI International Conference of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
June 2023
International Conference of the Cervantes Society of America and the Asociación Internacional de Cervantistas: “Global Cervantes”
March 2023
II National Conference of the Asociación de Hispanistas de Israel
March 2023
International Seminar “Les minorités dans l’Espagne médiévale et modern”
March 2023
IX International Conference of the Spanish Language
Cádiz, Spain
March 2023
Jornadas Cervantinas
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
February 2023
III Jornada “Entre literatura e historia”
September 2022
International Gentner-Minerva Symposium “Fictions of Terror in the Southern Cone and Brazil: Recent Representations”
December 2021
International Workshop “Reescrituras latinoamericanas del Quijote”
July 2021
XII Argentine Conference of Hispanists
Buenos Aires
February 2021
International Conference “Entre literatura e historia. Second edition”
Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens
November 2020
XII International Conference of the “Asociación Internacional del Siglo de Oro”
Univ. de Neuchâtel
December 2020
International Seminar Jornadas Internacionales de Hispanismo “La solidaridad de investigadores en el tiempo de la pandemia”
September 2020
International Conference “Guerras poetizadas y escritura polémica en la Edad Moderna”
University of Bucharest
February 2020
International Workshop “Entre literatura e historia”
Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France
July 2019
The XX International Conference of the AIH (Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas)
December 2018
International Conference: “Clarice Lispector: Memory and Belonging”
May 2016
Colloquium: "Yo sé quién soy. Volver a Cervantes 400 años después"
April 2016
International Conference: "Spain/Israel-30 Years of Diplomatic Relations: Future Perspectives and Challenges"
November 2015
International Conference - "Héroes y villanos de la Biblia en la literatura del Siglo de Oro"
May 2015
International Conference (Co-director with Dr. Margalit Bejarano and Dr. Mauricio Dimant)- "Symposium in honor of the Cuban writer Leonardo Padura"
March 2015
International Conference (Convener and Director)- "50 Years of German-Israeli Relations: Evaluating the Present, Envisioning the Future"
January 2015
International Workshop (Convener and Director)- "National Revival in the Shadow of European Unity: The "Spring of Nations" after the Congress of Vienna and the Relation between National Movements in Europe and the EU Today"
November 2014
International Conference (Co-director with Prof.Saúl Sosnowski, Dr. Leonardo Senkman and Ms. Florinda Goldberg)- "Cortázar in Jerusalem"
May 2014
International Workshop (Co-director with Prof. Christoph Strosetzki)- "The Ten Commandments in Early Modern Spanish Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy"
University of Münster
December 2013
International Conference (Co-director with Prof. Yoav Rinon)- "Freud and the Humanities Revisited: Literature and Literary Criticism in Freudian Context Today"
June 2012
Co-director with Prof. Alfonso de Toro. International Workshop: "New Diasporas within Globalization Inter-/Trans-identity/Inter-/Trans-nation"
December 2011
International Workshop: (Co-director with Prof. Alfonso de Toro)."New Diasporas within Globalization Inter-/Trans-identity/Inter-/Trans-nation"
Univeristy of Leipzig
June 2011
"De Sefarad a Israel - rumbos y perspectivas del hispanismo en Israel" First National Congress of The Association of Hispanists in Israel (AHI)
April 2011
The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
January 2010
International Workshop of The Israel Science Foundation: "The Literature of the 'Conversos' after 1492"
December 2007
International Workshop of The Israel Science Foundation: "La Biblia en la Literatura del Siglo de Oro"
December 2005
International Workshop of The Israel Science Foundation: "Cervantes y las religiones"